The price list below reflects standard rates for conventional taxidermy. Note that many projects can be streamlined or adapted to reduce costs while still producing a satisfying result. Please inquire about cost-reducing options if your budget is smaller than your vision!

Services and Pricing

  • Birds

    Small (starling, sparrow) $250

    Medium (duck, rooster) $325

    Large (peacock, turkey) $1,000+

    Dry preservation of wings/feet/tail $25 ea

    ***open wings or beak +$50, nesting (no legs) -$50

  • Mammals

    Small (guinea pig, squirrel) $275

    Medium (rabbit, opossum) $475

    Large (coyote, goat) $1,000+

    Dry preservation of tail/foot $50 ea

    Taxidermy of tail/foot $150 ea

    ***Open mouth +$150, Head and neck only -$200,

    Soft/lying mount (no torso structure) -$150

  • Pets

    Small (parakeet, hedgehog) $475

    Medium (rabbit, ferret) $675

    Cat, sleeping pose $2,000

    Dog, sleeping pose $3000+

    Head and neck on plaque $600

    Dry preservation of tail/foot $150

    Taxidermy of tail/foot $200

    Fur swatch on embroidery hoop $350

    Skull cleaning $100

    ***Pickup from vet/home and return of remains or delivery to Heaven’s Pets cremation +$30

    ***Complimentary whisker, fur, claw, tooth, or microchip collection by request